Listed from past to present with information on careers if known
Morgan Smeester (M.D. U of Nebraska School of Medicine), Timothy Jeffries (PharmD from St Louis School of Pharmacy), Carli Beckett, Humza Ahmed (M.D. U of Missouri), David Dainko (M.S. program, LMU, Germany), Allie Kemph (Ph.D. program, U of Illinois-Chicago), Pallavi Mhaskar (D.O., Midwestern University), Daniel Lee, Fatma Mufti (Ph.D. program, Saint Louis University), Alex Downey, Emily Scott (M.S., U of Colorado-Denver), Sai Pidatala, Wes Gingrich, Simone Ymson, Evian Perez Rivera (M.D., San Juan Bautista School of Medicine), Rohan Tripathi (M.D. program, Saint Louis University), Claire Ballman, Matthew Udani (D.O. Midwestern University), Shivika Ahuja (M.S. Saint Louis U, M.D. program, Saint Louis U), Noah Leith (Ph.D. program, Saint Louis U), Todd Johnson, Jacob Hercules (M.D. program, U of Missouri), Nabeel Sait (Software Development Engineer, Amazon), Yichen Fang, Aleiyah Dapog (M.D. program, Saint Louis U), Nabeel Sait, Jacob Hercules, Beker Karadaghy (M.D., Saint Louis U), Em Miller, Uchechuwku Agali, Abiosiola Ola-Ajose, Nivedita Biju (M.S. Columbia U, D.O. program A.T. Still U), Rachel Brouk (Geospatial Analyst, Axim Geospatial), Mark Tierney (Ph.D. program, U of Louisville), Lauren Wismann, Kati Prince, Matthew Hilz (Forestry Tech, Glacier National Park), Nandhineswari Senthilkumaran, Jake Woods (Ph.D. program, U of Southern Florida), Asad Siddiqui, Arjun Sahai Sahai, Inaya Smith (Laboratory Technician, Saint Louis U), Lia Rubinelli, Arina Martin, Ellie Redle, Lauren Calvin, Lizzie Ward, Cody Schrock, Kate Frauenheim, Joe Billips, Aliyah Adnan, Chris Garcia, Cathy Taylor, Jolie Larson, Gabriel Cristobal (M.S. student, University of Redding, UK), Roman Touchette, Hebron Bekele, Jared Colbert, Nick Shepphard (U Michigan, class of 2028)